Gourmet-lakritsilajitelmamme on täynnä innostavia yrityslahjaideoita jokaiseen tilaisuuteen. Tarjoamme laadukkaita ratkaisuja, jotka takuuvarmasti levittävät aitoa iloa ympärilleen.


We need your logo in a vector format. It will be checked and approved by our creative team.
All our products have a minimum 10-month expiration from the date of production. They need to be stored dry and not too hot.
Yes. All orders will be invoiced with a 14-day credit.
Yes. We can ship your order directly from our factory in Copenhagen. When your design is approved and the products have been cooked, we will send you the order. Transit times depend on the country of delivery.

Ilmainen EU toimitus kaikkiin tilauksiin!
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